Matthew Brodley, born and raised at Lane Ends Green, Hipperholme, became a wealthy London goldsmith and jeweller and a devoted supporter of the monarchy.  On the outbreak of the Civil War in 1640 he pledged a large sum of money to the Royalist cause, and also fought on behalf of Charles 1, becoming also Paymaster of the King’s Forces (Matthew’s brother and business partner, Samuel, who supported the Parliamentarian cause, was killed during the war.)

Matthew Brodley died in 1648, having left money to establish a free grammar school at Hipperholme.  Difficulties were encountered in laying hands on the funds and it was not until 1661, through the intervention of Captain John Hodgson of Coley Hall, that farm buildings belonging to Samuel Sunderland, late of Coley Hall, were acquired and Hipperholme Grammar School came into being on the site of the present school building known as ‘the house’, at the junction of Bramley Lane and Denholmegate Road.  In fact, this involved a move from Coley Chapel, where there had been a school since the chapel was built in 1530.  Samuel Brodley’s son, Matthew, became one of the first trustees.

Raymond Smith recalled his days as a pupil at Hipperholme, from 1937 to 1944, particularly the strict, sometimes harsh, discipline imposed by most of the teachers.  For example, if, when the bell sounded for the end of the last lesson of the afternoon, the chemistry master noticed any pupil making a move which signified the end of the day – the scraping of a chair, the involuntary move of a hand towards a satchel – he would pretend not to be aware of the time and continue the lesson for, on occasions, more than an hour.

At the end of his talk Raymond called on all present Old Brodleians, as former scholars of the school are known, to join him in singing the school song.  This was composed, in Latin, by John Lister of Shibden Hall, a former chair of the governors, and generations of boys left Hipperholme Grammar School knowing the words and tune by heart but remaining oblivious as to the meaning.  The title of Raymond’s talk was a line from the song; it means, “Who will ever divide us?”

The Illustration shows a group outside Coley Church on Founder’s Day, 1936.  Canon Watkinson is in the centre, the headmaster, J.W. Houseman and Mrs. Houseman towards the left.


  • As an ex schoolboy, (1961-1967) )I can remember most of the song, but not the actual spelling, so cannot goolge it, does anyone have the words ?
  • Mario,<br /><br />I can't remember the whole song, but here is the first verse:<br /><br />Seu labore dolet testa,<br />Seu vos iuvat dies festa,<br />Hoc consilium fovete,<br />Ea quae sunt bona pura,<br />Quaeque recta quamvis dura,<br />Semper comites tenete.<br /><br />The second verse begins:<br /><br />Nonne nos Eboracenses,<br />Nonne Hipperholmienses ...<br /><br />after which my memory fails me....
  • The School song (all three verses) is still sung every Monday morning by the School. When I took over as Head in January 2012 I asked all pupils what I should not change about the School. A number said not to change the singing of the song as it was important to them. Anyone wishing a copy of the full song should contact me at the School.
  • Mario,<br /><br />Thanks to Jack Williams we have the words of the entire school song:<br /><br />Seu labore dolet testa,<br />Seu vos juvat dies festa,<br />Hoc consilium fovete,<br />Ea quae sunt bona, pura,<br />Quaeque recta, quamvis dura,<br />Semper, comites, tenete!<br /><br />Inter ludos, ut cohortes<br />Haud crudeles -- licet fortes<br />Honor vobis sit plus auro!<br />Quisque gloriam pro Schola,

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